Tempur-Pedic is a pioneer of innovation, well-established as a leader in the industry. Tempur-Pedic is known for inventing the memory foam mattress. In the 90's, they realized that the foam NASA developed to protect astronauts from high-impact landing would be an excellent material for mattresses.
After creating the most pressure-relieving mattresses anyone had ever slept on, they continued to innovate ways to improve the sleep experience.They design and manufacture their own foams and mattressesunlike most foam mattress brands, which typically buy from suppliers.
Tempur-Pedic mattresses have come a long way since their start, overcoming initial problems like the tendency of memory foam to trap heat. Tempur-Pediccooling mattressesare very advanced, the Tempur-PedicLuxe Breezebeds can keep you up to 8 degrees cooler while you sleep. They've also introduced Tempur-Pedichybrid mattressesto suit those who love the responsiveness of an innerspring support system.
Tempur-Pedic's commitment to quality materials and premium methods ensures that Tempur-Pedic mattresses are worth the price. There are many brands that have followed suit in making memory foam beds but Tempur-Pedic remains the industry leader.